Danes je pri italijanski založbi Wild Honey Records izšla digitalna dobrodelna(!) kompilacija The Benefit of Things to Come. Ves izkupiček od kompilacije bo šel v podporo novi terenski bolnišnici, ki so jo zgradili prostovoljci v Bergamu.
Na kompilaciji je zbranih 19 pesmi 19 izvajalcev iz kataloga založbe. Nekatere skladbe so bile napisane in posnete v karanteni, npr. Langhorne Slim in Freez, nekatere so predelave v izvedbi The Peawees, The Rubinoos, Miss Chain & The Broken Heels, nekatere so bile že objavljene, npr. Doug Tuttle, The Midnight Kings in The Midwest Beat, nekatere pa so demo posnetki ali alternativne verzije že objavljenih skladb, npr. Kenny Tudrick, John Paul Keith in Bad Sports.
Sporočilo Franza Barcella z založbe Wild Honey Records:
“This is only Rock’n’Roll, they often say. When we started going to shows or buying records, we were attracted by the excitement of it, the electrifying music, the cool aestethic, the mysterious aura and the way it made you feel you were not alone.But there was always something more.
We loved the music, indeed, and the culture behind it. But we also believed something beyond the form. An ethic that comes from Punk, or even from before: don’t be afraid, find your voice, use it, do it yourself.
We craft this everyday, even without noticing: booking poorly attended shows, photocopying fanzines, writing stupid songs, investing all your time and money in an underground record label nobody has heard of.
We’re based in Bergamo, north of Italy. The worst hit city by the coronavirus outbreak. One night, army vehicles had to transport dead bodies out of the region as the city crematorium was struggling to keep pace.
In these dark nights, I found myself sheltering inside and working on the label, and using the music to kill the constant sound of ambulance sirens.
Then, suddenly, friends and bands from all over the world started reaching out. They sent love, hope, and even songs.
They didn’t forget I once helped them releasing a record, or booking a show, or giving them a place to stay.
So, this reminded me a simple fact: this thing we have, and changed our life, is a powerful tool. And we don’t have to be afraid to use.
To us, this is not only exciting music but our own rebellion, to show the world there is another way.
And we want to use our label to do something good.
Some “rock’n’rollers” recently declared that music should stop out of “respect” in these times and take a backseat. I’m glad the bands on my label disagree with this, and my rock’n’roll community is helping my daily community in the best way they can.
Is this only rock’n’roll?”